Ensuring gentle, personalized care for your newborn.

The newborn room is for children between 6 weeks to 10 months of age. Our newborn program is individualized to every need. All newborns are fed, changed, and nap on their own individual schedules. Teachers track daily feedings, diaper changes, and naps on our daily reports. Here at Park Cities Day School, we have created a healthy and well-balanced environment to enhance each child’s individual needs. Our newborn classrooms are designed to begin working on the six developmental domains that are at the center of school and life success.

These six areas are physical health, emotional development, social development, motor development, language and communication development, and cognitive development. We will promote growth in each of these domains by implementing developmentally appropriate and engaging activities for our newborns/infants.

Newborn programs will focus on creating a nurturing learning environment where your child can feel safe and secure. By providing you with a detailed report of how your child’s day was, you will not miss a moment of your precious child’s growth. We believe it is very important to begin developing language at an early age. In our newborn/infant room, we will foster your child’s language by giving a lot of love while caring for your child.

Nursing Mothers

We at Park Cities Day School encourage visits at any time, especially those mothers who are breast-feeding. A quiet room will be made available for all mothers choosing to nurse their baby while at the daycare.

Crib Sheets

PCDS provides crib sheets. Sheets are laundered every Friday.


All of the Pack & Play Pens meet the current guidelines for optimal infant safety. Crib sheets will be provided and laundered by PCDS. Infants will be placed to sleep on their backs. We will keep pillows, blankets, and stuffed toys out of the cribs to allow staff to visibly monitor the babies. Parents/guardians will provide all formula, juice, bibs, burp cloths, and baby food for their newborns/infants. Bottles and baby food jars should be clearly labeled with the baby’s full name. In order to ensure the safest environment for your baby, formula and opened baby food jars will be sent home at the end of each day. PCDS will not place cereal in an infant’s bottle unless prescribed by a physician. The use of a spoon is an integral part of eating and speech development. Parents must bring diapers, diaper rash ointment, baby wipes, clothing, bibs, burp cloths, bottles, and formula for each infant. The staff will communicate when supplies are low. Parents are asked to bring multiple changes of seasonal-appropriate clothes for infants. This will allow the staff to provide the optimal level of comfort for your baby in case they spit up or otherwise soil their clothes. Infants’ temperatures will be taken auxiliaryly (under the arm or ear). Rectal temperatures will not be taken. PCDS policy regarding breast milk is as follows: Bottles or frozen containers should be clearly labeled “Breast Milk“ and with the child’s name; they will be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. This is a supplement policy specific to the newborn and infant I classroom. Due to safety and security reasons, we ask that older siblings be taken to their class first in the morning and picked up last in the evening. In accordance with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, we place our newborns on their backs to sleep in the pack-n-play with no blankets, pillows, or wedges of any kind. Newborns nap in assigned cribs until they move to the next classroom.

Reach Out to Us Now!

Contact us today to learn more about our nurturing Montessori atmosphere, dynamic curriculum, and creatively inspired programs designed to foster your child’s development.