Sick policy

Our goal is to provide a place where your child can learn, develop, and have fun in a safe and healthy environment. PCDS is not equipped with the staff to care for sick children for an extended length of time. The child must be picked up within one hour of the time that the teacher calls a parent.

All of these conditions will require 24-hour treatment or a doctor’s note for the child to resume their normal attendance schedule. Children must be completely fever-free for 24 hours without any medication before returning to school.

  • Children with a fever of 100 degrees or higher
  • Diarrhea of more than two in a day
  • Skin rashes that are not diagnosed by a physician’s note
  • Vomiting
  • Nose drainage that is thick and green
  • Eye drainage of any type, accompanied by red eyes or mucus
  • Pink eye
  • Measles or Chickenpox
  • Severe coughing with wheezing or Croup
  • Strep throat symptoms are suspected
  • Head lice are found

If a child or staff member is diagnosed with an infectious or communicable disease, you will be notified by the director. It is your responsibility to report to the school any infectious or communicable disease for which your child is diagnosed.


If it is suspected that your child is infected, he/she will be removed from the group, and you will be notified to pick up your child immediately. Treatment will be required, and all eggs (nits) will have to be removed from the hair before your child will be allowed to return to the center. If your child returns to the center and eggs are found in his/her hair, you will be required to pick up your child again and bring a note from your child’s physician stating that he/she is not contagious and may return to daycare.

Child/Children Return to School

Children may return to school with a physician’s statement that the child is free from communicable disease and that returning poses no risk to the children or others. We also require the diagnosis in order for us to communicate with other parents in the classroom, as mandated by the health department.

This includes being visibly free from communicable disease, fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications for 24 hours, and free of vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours while on a normal diet.

Please notify the school at once if your child does have a communicable disease (flu, strep throat, chicken pox, fifth’s disease, head lice, measles, etc.