Prior to your child’s first day of attendance, the following forms must be completed, signed, and reviewed by the director:

  • Admission Information Packet
  • Current Immunization Record
  • Health & Emergency Form
  • Physician Signature
  • Infant Care Plan
  • Topical Ointment Form
  • Acknowledgement of Receipt of Family Handbook
  • Acknowledgement of Discipline and Guidance Policy

No child/children can continue enrollment for more than 14 days without a current physician’s signature saying that they have been examined within the past year.

If the information in the child forms changes during the child’s enrollment, families are responsible for notifying the school in writing about any changes. This includes but is not limited to phone numbers, emergency contacts, work phone numbers, or the child’s physician.

Children attending fewer than five days per week are required to have a set schedule of the days of attendance. All part-time schedules are subject to space availability. Parents understand that if your child attends part-time, they will be limited to your child attending only on the days that have been scheduled. Families needing to make a permanent schedule change understand that any change must be approved by the Director and can only be done if there is space available in the classroom.


If the school needs to be aware of specific circumstances in this situation, please notify us in writing. This would include, but is not limited to, visitations or interactions on site, authorization or restriction for pickup from school, or any pertinent legal action set in place by the court regarding access to a child. If a parent has no legal right to pick up their child or has a restraining order in effect, the school MUST HAVE A COPY OF THE COURT ORDER stating such on file. Otherwise, this parent may check the child out of the school with proper identification.